Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Reason for the Silence

Yes, and then he went dark.  But wait, there is a reason for the darkness.  Any good Dualist would agree.

After weeks and weeks of wrestling with compiling and formatting, not to mention a sojourn to the USA, the journey has come to a milestone.  The original serialized novel project, Serial-Z, is now a real novel with a life of its own.  I am very pleased (and relieved) to announce the "new" novel:

 The Best Dark Rain:  A Post-Apocalyptic Struggle for Life and Love.

The novel is available on Amazon in both eBook and Paperback editions.  For my European friends, fear not:  The Best Dark Rain is available on all the Amazon sites.


Here is a link to the eBook on Amazon:

Buy The eBook Now!!

And here is link to the Paperback version:

Buy the Paperback Now!!

Thanks to everyone who supported me on this crazy path.  I particularly want to thank my Beta-Reader Dark Army.  This never would have happened without you.  You know who you are, bless you each and every one.

A Call to Action:  Of course, please buy the book and read it.  If you like what you read, I implore you to leave a review on the Amazon site.  Reviews by "Verified Purchasers" are vitally important to Indie Authors.  Thank you so much!