Friday, January 27, 2017

Spending Wisely

While we call for a boycott, here is one Trump product we wholeheartedly endorse.

Hi Ho Friends and Neighbors!  The Reverend Squeaky-Eye here, coming at you from the good land of Austria.  Our fine Brethren of this European nation have just seen fit to inaugurate their new president, Alexander Van der Bellen, a member of the Green Party.  It's grand to be able to start off a post with a bit of positive news during these trying times.

While Marco is busy with the harsh world of publishing, he has handed over the blog reins to Yours Truly, and happy I am to have the chance of a friendly palaver with all of you good Sisters and Brothers.

Now I know, I know people, times are hard and times seem dark.  We can feel the heavy hand of the Down-Pressor Man all around us.  The blows rain hard and heavy during these first days of the administration of that rich man, that friend of the rich man, Donald Trump.  With less than one week in the Oval Office, this agent of the Down-Pressor has slashed at health care for the people, reproductive rights of women around the world, and tried to muzzle both the free press and scientists paid with pubic tax dollars.  Worse yet, he has authorized the building of a wall between our great nation and the great nation of Mexico, a wall that, if built, would be a lasting monument to the policies of fear and bigotry.  Maybe this man will throw a giant bronze hood over the Statue of Liberty as well, such that we will not have to see the tears that the great lady will be shedding.

"But Reverend, what can we do?"  I hear your lament, Brothers and Sisters, I hear it loud and clear, echoing across this great land of ours.  The first thing all of us can do is lift up our hearts.  Woe to them that give into despair.  No!  When dark times are upon us, it is our duty to raise a ruckus, make some noise, and fight back.  The Down-Pressor, he never sleeps, and Bretheren and Sisteren, he ain't sleeping now.  He's wide awake and coming for us.  What he wants, what he always wants, is darkness where he can do his nefarious deeds all quiet-like.  So I say this:  Don't give it to him and don't give in to him!  That's right!  Shed some light and make some noise! 

"We hear you Reverend, and those are some fine sounding words, but words won't get it done."  Again, I hear you and right you are.  So here are some things that we can do, concrete things that make a difference.  First off, we all need to exercise our rights as free citizens of this grand nation.  Contact your Representatives and your Senators.  Write them, call them, email them, and comment on their websites.  When we do this we all need to be specific.  Just saying "I don't agree with this Mr. Trump and what he's doing" is not going to get the job done.  When we write to our elected leaders, we need to be polite, firm, and specific.  I believe the best approach is to clearly state the single issue that we are objecting to, why we are objecting to it, and what we want that elected leader to do about the issue.  If there are ten issues (and Lord knows there will be) then write or call ten separate times.  Let me say it again Friends, be polite, firm, and specific.  We can all do this!

When we aren't barraging our leaders with messages, we can take it to the streets, emulating our wonderful Sisters (and their beloved men-folk) who stuck those beautiful pink pussy hats on their heads and marched across the land.  Raise the standard and raise it high.  This fellow Trump, he's got an ego on him that defies scientific efforts at measurement.  He doesn't like it when folks don't show up at his little inauguration party and go marching off to make noise about him, noises he doesn't care for.  Keep it up, that's what we have to do.  This is going to be a long haul, make no mistake.

Now there's another thing we can all do, a thing that has served us well in the past.  The Down-Pressor, he doesn't like it when folks tamper with his pocket book.  It agitates the hell out of him.  One of the truly effective ways to send a message to some fat-cat corporate swell is to take a dollar or two out of his wallet.  Drives 'em crazy.  My Friends, it is simply as pie to spend your dollars wisely.  Heck, it don't take no effort at all.  If we don't agree with some action that a company is taking, why, we just don't spend our hard-earned dollars at their store.

Boycott, Brethren!  Boycott, Sisteren!  That's what I'm preaching here today.  Now this fellow Trump, he makes it pretty easy.  Like we were saying, he's got him an ego the size of one of his ugly towers.  Heck, he sticks his name all over everything he owns.  So to send him a message about what we think of his doings, we make double-damn sure we don't put a single dollar in his pocket.  Here is a list of businesses and products that this fellow has his greedy fingers into:

  • Vorando Realty Trust  (NYSE:  VNO S&P 500 Component)
  • Merchandise Mart (Chicago -- Just don't step foot in the building)
  • Toy's R Us (30% + share)
  • Trump Turnberry Golf Course (Scotland -- The PGA already smelled how bad this was)
  • Trump Hotels (DC, Florida, Hawaii, Chicago, Las Vegas, New York, Virginia, Vancouver, Toronto, Panama, Ireland, and Scotland)
  • Trump eau de Toilette  (ewwww!  Macy's pulled the plug on this and so should you)
  • Trump Books LLC
This is just a short list, but you see how easy this can be.  Don't spend a dime at, or on, any of these businesses, resorts, or products.  Our fine friends at Quartz have developed a comprehensive list of businesses owned or controlled by Trump.  Just peruse the list and spend your money elsewhere.

The Big List from out friends at Quartz (with a tip o' the Rev Lid)

Remember Friends and neighbors, we are all in this for the long haul.  Don't despair, take action, and remember that you are not alone.  And when you are feeling down-in-the-dumps, or need to take a dump, here is one product that will lighten your load:

Trumpster Butt Wipe (Thanks Amazon!)



  1. Right on, Rev! The boycott movement in this country started during the Revolution when people in the 13 colonies decided to stop buying English goods. It sent a strong message and spawned many cottage industries like clothing, furniture, etc. And don't just target the Donald. Don't spend your hard earned George Washingtons on any company that does not act in accordance with your values. The Rev is right - speak out often, spend wisely and go march. It drives the fuckers crazy and scares the shit out of them. Remember when Eastern Europe turned out in the streets after the Berlin Wall came down? The bastards pulled up stakes and vanished. It can happen here, too. Unite! */:-)

  2. Thanks for the comments and wise additions! One of the greatest powers we have as consumers is choosing where we spend our money. Find a family-run local store and support them with your purchases, rather than some big-box corporate store. If you have to shop at a big-box store, check out that firm's policies and track record. And, yes, unite!!
