Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Shining Spotlight of History

The Eagle and Fasces (bundle of sticks) Icon of Mussolini's Fascist movement.

History offers us a guiding lamp, often a brilliant spotlight, a tool with which to acknowledge the past.  For example, throughout history authoritarian regimes have taken certain actions to control their citizens.  These actions bear out a remarkably similar pattern.  By allowing the lamp of the past to shine on actions of the present, we may be able to prepare for the future.  If we turn a blind eye to what history illuminates, we remain in the darkness of ignorance.  Remembering the deeds of some of the darkest chapters in human history can be uncomfortable, but this remembrance can be vitally important as well.  Comparing the deeds of the present to those of the Nazis, or Italy's Fascists, can be seen as harsh.  When the comparison is valid, however, the truth must win out.  If it does not, we are lost.

As an authoritarian regime rises to power, whether through legitimate elections or a coup d'etat, there seems to be a commonality of action and message.  When one thinks of Hitler's Nazis, or Mussolini's Fascists, there are common actions that resonate with readings of history.  Looking at the political makeup of the present day, one can see these commonalities borne out.  A list these actions and messages might run thus:
  • Muzzle the Free Press such as to gain control of the flow of information to the populace.
  • Create and vilify an "Other" and then blame that "Other" for the the nation's troubles.
  • Create a false crisis or threat, usually perpetrated, or about to be perpetrated, by the "Other."
  • Sell the populace fear.  Fear of the "Other," fear of the outside, fear of each other.
  • Require those cast as the "Other" to have to register or submit to an identifying symbol.
  • Lie and lie again, wearing the people down through repetition of methodical propaganda. 
In 1929, Mussolini created his High Commission for the Press.  The sole purpose of this governmental body was to control the press.  In 1934, Hitler created the Reich Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda.  Impressed by his Nazi allies, Mussolini then created the Ministry for Popular Culture.  The aim of these repressive instruments of state was the complete suppression of any voice other than that of the the leaders of the respective states. 

One need not look far to find modern examples of suppression of the press.  The current administration in the United States is making strong and coordinated efforts to muzzle the freedom of the press.  The same so-called leaders are attempting to clamp down on any scientific information that might conflict with their policy views.  Shining the lamp of history of these ill-concealed efforts clearly illuminates the intent.  Again, a basic tenet of authoritarianism is the control of information to the populace.  Control the flow of information and thus control and isolate the population.

 NSDAP Parteiadler Eagle

The Nazis vilified the Jewish people as the "Other," those responsible for all the ills of the Volk.  Mussolini cast Bolsheviks, Socialist and Liberals as the "Other."  He also painted "Americanism" as a great evil, a grease stain spreading across Europe.  In the light of history, we can see that the first step towards the persecution of a class of citizens is demonizing that class.  When the state controls the flow of information, it can then promulgate the message that a certain group, class, or race, are the cause of all troubles in the state.  Once a group of people have been demonized as the "Other," it is a much smaller step to initiate the persecution of that class or group. 

When there exists a class, race, or group of people who are the "Other," those deemed the evil outsiders, the next step is to create a crisis or threat that is being, or is about to be, perpetrated by that vilified class.  Whether it is the usurpation of wealth, the dilution of the sacred master race, or the threat of direct attack, the authoritarian state will attempt to focus the attention of the populace on the threat of the "Other."  This manufactured threat, once set into place, becomes the means by which a given group are persecuted.  In short, this is the formula that can, and has, led to genocide.

The process of isolating the perceived "Other" from the "Good Citizens" is tactic that is in active practice today.  One only needs a light with which to see the process.  When the leader of any nation is openly speaking about a registry of a particular group of citizens, such as a "Muslim Registry," that leader is engaged in an act of repression.  There are too many historical precedents to see acts of this nature as anything other than what they really are.  Likewise, proposing lists or registries of activists, such as citizens working for the rights of Trans-Gender citizens, is an act of repression.  When we utilize the lamp of history, we see that the Nazis imprisoned and murdered homosexual citizens, as well as Gypsies, Jews, and other citizens of the Reich.

Whether in the pages of George Orwell's seminal work "1984," in the reality of Nazi Germany or Mussolini's Fascist Italy, or in the present time, authoritarian leaders thrive when and where they are able to sell fear to the populace.  Fear is a very powerful tool, serving to both isolate citizens as well as motivating them to acts that would not be possible otherwise.  Fear of the outside, fear of the "Other," economic fear, nationalistic fear, all of these are the tools of the authoritarian.  Time and again throughout the course of history, fear has been used to control and cow a ruled population.  When we hear the voice that is selling fear, we should be able to discern the motivation lurking behind the siren's call. 

Today, the gospel of fear is being preached, and preached loudly, from the very heart of the government of the land that is purported to be the sanctuary for the huddled masses yearning to be free.  Viewed in the shining light, one can discern a simple message.  If the people are afraid, they will look for security.  An authoritarian power will use this fear to offer security to the people.  The price of that false security is an abrogation of the liberty of the people.  This simple ruse has been used in the past and it is being used today.  In the United States, a very palpable example of this is the so-called Patriot Act.  The purported benefit of this law is the security of the people and the very real cost of this law is the diminishment of the the people's civil liberty.  Another example is the proposal to build a wall across the entire southern border of the United States, a structure that would serve as a colossal monument to fear.

Another tactic of an authoritarian "leader" is the use of the lie.  Once the press has been effectively muzzled, the state can disseminate lies.  Lies, repeatedly told, forcefully told, can wield a great power unless there exists the counterbalancing force of a free press.  At a certain level of power, a repressive group can, and has, discarded the truth altogether.  Again, one need not look far to see examples of this in the present day.  When a person in power speaks of "Alternative Facts," they are employing the use of Double-Speak, an Orwellian term, and a chilling one.  Turning lies into "Alternative Facts" is a singularly telling example of discarding the truth in its entirety. 

It is of paramount importance for the free citizens of the world to make use of the perspective that history offers us all.  We are only doomed to repeat history insomuch as we ignore history.  When we misguidedly utter phrases such as "It won't happen this time," or "It cannot happen here," we are engaged in burying our heads in the collective sands of ignorance.  Tyrants do, in fact, rise to control their own citizens.  They may do so without at first resorting to force.  Both Hitler and Mussolini rose to power by means of elections.  History clearly illuminates this cold fact for us if we will only open our eyes.

In conclusion, when the bright lamp of history shows us the way, it is incumbent on all of us to follow that light.  To do otherwise is to suffer in darkness and curse our self-made fate.  When the light shows a tyrant to be a tyrant, it is the moment to utter the words Sic Semper Tyrannis, and to resist that tyranny. 


Wikipedia for Fascist Icons

George Talbot  "Censorship is Fascist Italy 1922-1943"  (2007)

David Gilmour  "The Pursuit of Italy"

David S. D'Amato  Article of January 28, 2016

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