Thursday, June 23, 2016

Random Tests

This man is up to no good.  Count on it.

Sometimes I do things because I have to.  Sometimes I do things because I am overcome with the notion that whatever inane thing I have just thought of is, in fact, a good idea and not inane.  Go figure.  Usually things work out more calmly when I'm just doing the stuff that I have to do, but what would be the fun in stopping there?

One of the things that I had to do was take and pass the Deutsch A.1 exam.  A certificate saying that I have done so is a required part of the paperwork package for my residency title here in Austria.  There is a whole lot more paper required than just this little ole' certificate, but one step at a time.

I grant you that the A.1 exam is not that difficult.  Having wrestled my way through A2.2 classes, complete with Dativ case, Akusativ case, etc, etc, I was ready for the A.1.  I plopped down my 110 Euro for the privelege.  I downloaded the practice tests, I studied them, I got my test mojo primmed.  Last Thursday and Friday I climbed the five flights of twisty marble stairs to the testing office.   The upshot was a 99 score out of 100.  Basically, armed with the A.1, I can say "Those are not my drugs.  I have never seen them before."  Also, as an added bonus, I can understand it when someone yells "Stop or we will shoot."  Always important information in any language.  

Having vanquished the thing I had to do, I walked off through the Alt Stadt to do the things I wanted to do.  A friend had sent me a postcard from Seattle.  The card was, ironically, an artist's rendering of the Alt Hof courtyard in Vienna.  The setting was captured in the late 1800's, so I set out to try and find it.  After all, there are only what, 30,000 courtyards in Wien?  How hard could it be?  

The walking was fine, the day was perfect, and I actually found what I believe is the same courtyard.  If not, close enough to call it a win.  Either way, it's a damn fine courtyard don't you think?

After walkabouts, I met my Heart in the Alt Stadt.  We did our necessaries, shopping for this and that, having a coffee and and ice cream The shopping I had to do, the coffee and Eis, not so much.  

Sometimes the end of the day is its own reward.

Saturday was Pride and we wanted to attend, not only for the fun of the parade, but to show some solidarity with the victims of the tragic Orlando shooting.

Pride here is like Pride in most places, except this is Pride with Jagermeister!  I took a pass on that.  It was a beautiful sunny day, people were happy and silly, and there was lots of painted flesh and costumes being flaunted.  It seemed that a good time was being had by all.

Whatever your kink is, I sure these guys could help you realize it.

So, language exams, wandering around the Stadt, sunsets and sunrises, the occasional parade, life goes on here in Wien.  There was no real point to this post, so there is no real conclusion either.  The arm and wrist are healing and I ended up back out on the trails this week, but that is the stuff of another post.  

As always, "Ciao for Now!"

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