Monday, December 28, 2015

They Eat Horses Don't They?

In previous posts I have waxed poetic about how much I like Leberkäse.  Today I found myself heading into the Alt Stadt for some quality time at my cafe'.  As luck would have it, my route led me past Leberkas-Pepi, the best joint in town.  Leberkas is Wienerisch for Leberkäse and Pepi is the diminutive of Joseph.  I believe I refers to this spot as "Pipi's" in a previous post, but that was so wrong of me. 

I have tried Leberkäse , Chili-Käse, and several other of the variety.  At dinner the other day, I was discussing this with Herr Pacher.  He asked if I had tried the Pferde Leberkäse.  What?  They make a tasty meat snack from horses?   The culinary gauntlet had been thrown down!  

I know in the US of A that eating the noble steed is frowned upon, but this is not the case in lots of other places.  I mean, why is a horse noble and not a cow?  Is it because we don't ride cows?

Regardless of nobility or not, I wasn't missing the opportunity.  I sidled up to the counter at Pepi's and placed my order. Lighter be a mere 2.35 euro, I scuttled out the door with my meaty treat. 

All questions of propriety aside, I'm here to tell you that this is a fine nosh.  The flavor is excellent and the aroma satisfying.  I will be chowing the noble steed again, count on it.  By the way, that's the National Opera in the background.  How's that for pedigree?